Screen Stuff

Starting and attaching to screen

# Start a new screen session
screen -S name
# Detach a session
screen -d name
# Resume a session
screen -r name
# Connect to a session
screen -x name

Split Screen

Ctrl+a S           split terminal horizontally into regions  
Ctrl+a |           split terminal vertically into regions  
Ctrl+a :resize     resize region   
Ctrl+a :fit fit    screen size to new terminal size           Ctrl+a F is the same. Do after resizing xterm 
Ctrl+a :remove     remove region                              Ctrl+a X is the same 
Ctrl+a tab         Move to next region

Inside Screen

Ctrl-a Ctrl-d     Detach from session
Ctrl-a Ctrl-c     Create new tab
Ctrl-a Ctrl-+     Next tab
Ctrl-a Ctrl--     Prev tab
Ctrl-a Ctrl-"     Select tab
Ctrl-a Ctrl-[1-9] Goto tab #

Ctrl-a Ctrl-[     Copy mode
Ctrl-a Ctrl-:     Set paramater


Press Ctrl-a : to enter parameter mode

title             Set the title of the current tab


Press Ctrl + a + [ to enter Copy Mode

h -    Move the cursor left by one character
j -    Move the cursor down by one line
k -    Move the cursor up by one line
l -    Move the cursor right by one character
0 -    Move to the beginning of the current line
$ -    Move to the end of the current line.
G -    Moves to the specified line
       (defaults to the end of the buffer).
C-u -  Scrolls a half page up.
C-b -  Scrolls a full page up.
C-d -  Scrolls a half page down.
C-f -  Scrolls the full page down.
QR Code
QR Code sysadmin:screen (generated for current page)