Table of Contents
Networks |
System |
Services |
Modern GNU
httppie # wget curl bat # cat ncdu # du htop # top fd # find exa # la duf # df tldr # man neovim # vim
LetsEncrypt on DigitalOcean
Use this when the authentication method fails
# Specify the webroot verification method certbot --authenticator webroot --installer apache
List out kernel module options
cat /proc/modules | cut -f 1 -d " " | while read module; do \ echo "Module: $module"; \ if [ -d "/sys/module/$module/parameters" ]; then \ ls /sys/module/$module/parameters/ | while read parameter; do \ echo -n "Parameter: $parameter --> "; \ cat /sys/module/$module/parameters/$parameter; \ done; \ fi; \ echo; \ done
Find stuff
# Find empty directories, delete them find test -depth -empty -delete
Disk clone with progress
(pv -n /dev/sda | dd of=/dev/sdb bs=128M conv=notrunc,noerror) 2>&1 | dialog --gauge "Running dd command (cloning), please wait..." 10 70 0
Monitoring dd progress with pv
sudo dd if=/dev/sdb | pv -s 2G | dd of=DriveCopy1.dd bs=4096 # 440MB 0:00:38 [11.6MB/s] [======> ] 21% ETA 0:02:19
Recovering a blown LVM disk
#Recover disk to image with some kind of image copy dd if=/dev/sdc of=/mnt/bigstorage/mydisk.img bs=1M # Loop the disk losetup /dev/loop2 /mnt/bigstorage/mydisk.img # Find the partitions fdisk -l /dev/loop2 # Remove disk loop losetup -d /dev/loop2 # Make the disk the size of the original disk if dd stopped early truncate -s nnnnn /mnt/bigstorage/mydisk.img # Loop the partition # offset it sector start (found in the fdisk) times the sector size # i.e. start sector 2048, sector size 512 = 1048576 losetup --offset xxxx /dev/loop3 /mnt/bigstorage/mydisk.img # Scan for the disk pvs # Check it came online lvdisplay # Check it fsck /dev/mapper/...
Testing multi-cast traffic
# on receiver iperf -s -u -B -i 1 # on sender iperf -c -u -T 32 -t 3 -i 1 # data will appear on receiver
Get notifications of file updates
yum install inotify-tools # Use this to rsync files to remote server in near real time inotifywait -r -m -e close_write --format '%w%f' . | while read MODFILE; do echo $MODFILE; done
Assign AD Unix Attr
Reapply Default RHEL Perms
# Will take some time, dont run stoopid cmds # in the first place and this wouldn't happen! for u in $(rpm -qa); do rpm --setugids $u; done for p in $(rpm -qa); do rpm --setperms $p; done # Verify all packages rpm -Va
SSH Keys
ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "Comment" # View the randomart # # add to command line: -o VisualHostKey=yes # or in ~/.ssh/config # VisualHostKey=yes
Wordpress reverse proxy
// Fixes wp-admin/ stripping the basedir // add to wp-config.php, before define('WP_HOME'... $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST']; $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = '/sub-dir' . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] = '/sub-dir' . $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']; $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] = '/sub-dir' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'];
rpm --import
Ubuntu 14.10 Oracle Java
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer
PAM Tally
# Unlock a user locked by tally pam_tally2 --user pfowler --reset=0
Create shadow password hash
# $<type>$<salt>$<encrypted password> # $1$ = MD5 # $5$ = SHA-256 # $6$ = SHA-512 #MD5 openssl passwd -1 -salt <salt> <password> mkpasswd -m md5 <password><salt> # Sha mkpasswd -m sha-512 <password> <salt>
# Print all the pwetty colors for i in {0..255} ; do printf "\x1b[38;5;${i}mcolour${i}\n" done
# Prevent idle connections drop from know it all network admins # /etc/sysctl.conf net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_time = 1800 # Time from last packet till begin keepalive (seconds) net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_intvl = 75 # how often to send keepalives (seconds) net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_intvl = 20 # How many failed ACKs until determining connection is dead # Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters DWORD KeepAliveInterval=120000 (2 minutes) DWORD KeepAliveTime=1000 (1 second)
# Set proxy server sudo pear config-set http_proxy # Install package sudo pear install DB
Recover files on Networker
# Go into directory, then recover console cd /data/ recover # List of versions available recover> versions /etc # Set a point in time to look at recover> changetime 10/1/2011 # Add files to be recovered recover> add logs # Recover files recover> recover # Or recover into new directory recover> recover -d /data/logs_recovered/
Hot Add RAM to RHEL VM
# Check for offline blocks grep offline /sys/devices/system/memory/*/state # Online each of the mem blocks IFS=' ' for x in $(grep offline /sys/devices/system/memory/*/state); do MEM=$(echo $x | cut -d: -f1); echo online > $MEM; done
Hot Add HDD to RHEL VM
# Find the host bus number grep mpt /sys/class/scsi_host/host?/proc_name # Which will return the host? # /sys/class/scsi_host/host0/proc_name:mptspi # Set it to scan # controller, channel, lun echo "- - -" > /sys/class/scsi_host/host0/scan # Check that it was found dmesg
Online Resize VM disk
echo 1 > /sys/block/sdb/device/rescan dmesg #sdb: detected capacity change from 21474836480 to 42949672960 #SCSI device sdb: 83886080 512-byte hdwr sectors (42950 MB) pvresize /dev/sdb
SSH Tunnel
# Tunnel from local server, through middle, to remote # This example connects to the web server on remove ssh -NL # Then connect to the newly created local port telnet localhost 10080 # This will bind to all interfaces (Instead of just localhost) ssh -NL # Socks proxy ssh -D pfowler@inetserver # Chaining ssh -NL 6000:B:22 -o TCPKeepAlive=no -o ServerAliveInterval=15 A & ssh -NL 6001:C:22 -o TCPKeepAlive=no -o ServerAliveInterval=15 localhost -p 6000 & ssh -NL 6002:D:22 -o TCPKeepAlive=no -o ServerAliveInterval=15 localhost -p 6001 & ssh -NL 6003:E:22 -o TCPKeepAlive=no -o ServerAliveInterval=15 localhost -p 6002 & ssh localhost -p 6003 Welcome to E! $
# Install sudo apt-get install infinoted kobby # Create a certificate (Watch the double '-' f'ing up in Wiki) mkdir /opt/obby && cd /opt/obby infinoted --create-key --create-certificate -k keyE.pem -c cert.pem # Add to rc.local /usr/bin/infinoted -k /opt/obby/key.pem -c /opt/obby/cert.pem
# Listen on a port nc -l <port> # Port scanner nc -v -w 1 localhost -z 1-3000 # File Transfer nc -lp 2222 > # Destination nc -w 1 2222 < # Source # Telnet server nc -lp 2222 -e /bin/bash # Simple web server while true; do nc -l -p 80 -q 1 < error.html; done # Hard drive cloning dd if=/dev/sda | nc 9000 # Source nc -l -p 9000 | dd of=/dev/sda # Destination
Mount a dir on another dir
mount -t none -o rw,bind /mnt/newdisk/tmp /tmp
Find hardware model
/usr/sbin/dmidecode | grep "Product Name" | head -1
3TB Partitions
(parted) mklabel gpt (parted) unit TB #(parted) mkpart primary 0.00TB 3.00TB # Use all space instead (parted) mkpart primary 0% 100% (parted) print (parted) quit
LVM in 3 Minutes
# Create partition on drives fdisk /dev/sdb fdisk /dev/sdc # Create the physical volumes pvcreate /dev/sdb1 pvcreate /dev/sdc1 # Create the volumne group vgcreate -s 16M vg00 /dev/sdb1 /dev/sdc1 # Create logical group lvcreate -L 100G -n lvol0 vg00 lvcreate -l 100%FREE -n lvol1 vg00 # Make Ext4 parition mkfs.ext4 /dev/mapper/vg00-lvol0 # Mount the mofo mount /dev/mapper/vg00-lvol0 /mnt/storage
Resize a partition
parted /dev/sda (parted) resizepart 1 100% (parted) quit resize2fs /dev/sda
Update DNS with hostname
# Add to /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 DHCP_HOSTNAME=$HOSTNAME
Discover DHCP servers on network
nmap --script broadcast-dhcp-discover -e enp5s0f0
# Top 10 open files lsof | sort -n -k7 -r | uniq -f8 | head # Open From directory lsof +D /path/to/dir/ # By PID lsof -a -p <pid>
Tar over Network
#Create a tmp file TEMPFILE=$(mktemp -p /var/tmp) # Alternative: cat file.tar.gz | ssh -C user@serverip 'cd /un/tar/dir && tar -xvp'
Dialog and XDialog
Packages Stuff
# List installed packages rpm -qa dpkg-query -l * # List files from install package rpm -ql foo dpkg-query -L foo # What package owns a file rpm -qf /usr/bin/mysql dpkg-query -S /usr/bin/cupsdconf # What files are in a package rpm -qpl pkg.rpm # Remove a package dpkg -r <package name> # Verify all installed packages rpm -Va # Rebuild corrupted DB cd /var/lib/rpm rm __db* rpm --rebuilddb rpmdb_verify Packages
Australian Timezones
OS | Config File |
RHEL5 | /etc/sysconfig/clock |
Debian | /etc/timezone |
And update localtime:
ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/Australia/Sydney /etc/localtime
Australia/ACT Australia/Adelaide Australia/Brisbane Australia/Broken_Hill Australia/Canberra Australia/Currie Australia/Darwin Australia/Eucla Australia/Hobart Australia/LHI Australia/Lindeman Australia/Lord_Howe Australia/Melbourne Australia/NSW Australia/North Australia/Perth Australia/Queensland Australia/South Australia/Sydney Australia/Tasmania Australia/Victoria Australia/West