==== Geeetech FX2LP CY7C68013A USB Development Mini Board ==== === Chip/Board Details === This is the chip used in the Salae logic analyzer, and some open source stuff: http://www.geeetech.com/wiki/index.php/CY7C68013 [ http://www.cypress.com/file/138911/download | Datasheet ] [ http://www.cypress.com/file/126446/download | TRM ] ==== Cypress Stuff ---- === Links === [[ https://media.digikey.com/pdf/Data%20Sheets/Cypress%20PDFs/EZ-USB%20Dev%20Kit%20Manual.pdf | EZ-USB FX2LP Manual ]] [[ http://www.cypress.com/file/135296/download | CY3684 EZ-USB FX2LP Development Kit ]] === Steps === - Install [[ http://www.cypress.com/file/135301 | Cypress Dev Kit ]] (CY3684Setup.exe) * Install inf file from C:\Cypress\USB\CY3684_EZ-USB_FX2LP_DVK\1.1\Drivers\Win8.1\x64 (Choose version for your OS) - Install CY7C68013 Dev tools [[ https://www.dropbox.com/s/7cb1wu1i2q59viz/fx2lp.exe?dl=0 | fx2lp.exe ]] * Plug in Device - Install [[ https://sourceforge.net/projects/sdcc/files/ | sdcc ]] - Install [[ http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages/make.htm | make ]] - Install [[ https://tortoisesvn.net/downloads.html | TortoiseSVN ]] - Install [[ https://www.eclipse.org/downloads/? | Eclipse ]] (Install for C/C++ Development) - Edit system path * "C:\WINDOWS\System32\control.exe system" * -> Advanced system settings -> Environment Variables * Edit 'Path'; Add: * C:\Program Files\SDCC\bin * C:\Program Files (x86)\GnuWin32\bin * C:\Cypress\USB\bin - Download [[ https://www.dropbox.com/s/q9fn7cd9hubgkl2/gtfx2lplib_1.0.zip?dl=1 | gtfx2lplib.zip ]] * Extract it somewhere * Most up to date source available from [[ https://www.newioit.com.au/websvn/listing.php?repname=group.electronics&path=%2FDevKits%2FCypress_FX2LP%2Fgtfx2lib%2F | NewioIT WebSVN]] - Import gtfx2lplib into Eclipse * New -> Makefile project with existing code * If dont exist, create build targets 'all' and 'clean' * (Right click gtfx2lplib, goto 'Build Targets' -> Create, name one 'all', then create a 'clean' one) - Review Led and Lights - Run make - Run CyConsole EZ-USB (Start menu or "C:\Cypress\USB\bin\CyConsole.exe EZ") - Download or Lg EEPROM to kit ==== GeeTech Stuff ==== http://www.geeetech.com/wiki/images/e/ed/CY7C68013Adevelopment_board.rar http://www.triplespark.net/elec/periph/USB-FX2/software/index.html https://gnosia.anu.edu.au/wiki/CY7C68013 http://allmybrain.com/2008/10/24/a-few-open-source-tips-for-the-cypress-fx2lp-ez-usb-cy7c68013a/ http://www.colecovision.eu/mcs51/CY7C68013A%20EZ-USB%20FX2LP%20USB2.0%20Development%20Board%20Serial.shtml http://www.microlab.ti.bfh.ch/wiki/huce:microlab:projects:internal:gecko:education:ez_usb https://github.com/djmuhlestein/fx2lib sdcc -c ledtimer.c sdcc ledtimer.rel -mmcs51 --xram-loc 0x2000 --xram-size 0x2000 --code-size 0x2000 packihx ledtimer.ihx > ledtimer.hex c:\Cypress\USB\bin\Hex2bix.exe -i -r -m 0x16000 -v 0x04B4 -p 0x8613 -c 0x41 -f 0xC2 -o ledtimer.iic ledtimer.hex